Saturday, October 15, 2011


Ascend is a space empire board game concept, that draws its inspiration from the ever popular Dune series (which pretty much invented to genre). Specifically, I was inspired mostly by an old computer game called Emperor of the Fading Suns (which also borrowed heavily from the Dune universe).

This is the cover to the rule book which would probably do nicely as box art as well.
Or a book based off of the game, but that is a different story....

These are paintings for the various units that the player can produce and use to subjugate their fellow players.

For this game I wanted a cleaner and more realistic looking approach to the art, to reflect an advanced and enlightened civilization. This is in contrast to some of my other work, which takes a more energetic and wild approach. However, I wanted to retain much of the energy for the Death Commando picture, so that players will get a less subtle and more "in your face" feel when deploying a powerful unit.


©2011 Patrick Wheeler

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Russian Soldier Studies

Here are a couple of quick studies of Russian soldiers.

From WWII...

...and the more recent Russian/Georgian conflict.

Both are done from photographic reference for the purposes of trying some new brushes/techniques and keeping the creativity monster from hindering my sleeping patterns.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Unopposed: the game that likes to be revisited

I think that everyone has a project that is never finished (Star Wars anyone? Which needs to be finished might I add...) and mine is Unopposed. I believe I was inspired by a card from the Battletech CCG when I was younger, in addition to the wonderfully brutal war scenarios my cousin, Bo, would come up with when he babysat me. I think he had seen the opening sequence of Total Recall one too many times....

Here is some cover art...

...and some possible board game pieces.

I prefer cover art that has a great deal of energy and makes you feel like you're in the center of battle. Frank Frazetta was great at this, portraying characters with dynamic and heroic poses- often times outnumbered and in danger. I like how this piece makes you feel like you are in a totally alien and hostile world, where death is everywhere and even the people look like cold, merciless, machines.


©2011 Patrick Wheeler

Welcome to the Art Corner!

My name is Patrick Wheeler and I am an artist, illustrator, graphic designer, musician and small business owner. Overall I keep myself busy! I work in the Chicago land area for a variety of clients and teach guitar. I also have a BFA in Video Game Art and Design from ILIS.

The purpose of starting this blog is to share my enthusiasm for board game art, sci fi and fantasy art, and any other creative musings that enter my mind. My hope is that you will be inspired and  entertained by what you see, just as I have been looking at movies, video games, board games, and illustrations since I was a kid. Enjoy your stay and keep the creativity flowing!
