Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ascend Game Pieces

Here, as promised, is some new artwork: samples of game pieces for Ascend. Pictured are the military units available to players, the different colors and crests of each house, and some very familiar looking leaders (done by painting over some photos).


©2012 Patrick Wheeler

Monday, November 26, 2012

Brutaliation: an old school project

In what feels now like ages ago I was working my fingers to the bone to obtain my art degree from the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg. A large part of my efforts went to a video game of my own creation, (the somewhat comically named) Brutaliation. After all that work it would be a crime if I didn't post up some of the art. Here I have both final renderings and some quicker concept pieces.

Here is a quick sketch of the badguys (named Maglats cause it sounds nasty) I did for anatomical purposes.

This is a 3D model created with 3D Studio Max and Zbrush.

These are some nice environment concepts.

Though I'm pretty self-critical (because I'm an artist and that's how you're supposed to be as an artist) I am pretty surprised how much I still like these. I would also like to add that I will be putting up some new work soon :)


©2012 Patrick Wheeler

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sci Fi Commando

This is a quick character concept piece I did today. I chose a design from several thumbnails and landed on a female character, that could be an alien or cyborg (due to some purposely exaggerated proportions).

©2012 Patrick Wheeler